zondag 11 november 2012

Brief van Flora

Woef, waf, kreeg ik gisteren toch een brief van mijn grote vriendin Flora. Ik heb haar deze zomer heel erg gemist. Maar Flora is een hele bereisde hond. Met haar mummy en daddy reist ze de hele wereld rond. Deze hele zomer was ze in Engeland en nu zit ze weer in la douce France. We hebben elkaar net gemist. Hebben die baasjes toch slecht geregeld. Maar wie weet komt ze nog weer naar Nederland.

Hi Kyrah
I have had a very exciting time since we last met. On Saturday my mum and dad took me with them in the car to see my friends Bandit (border collie) and Moose (Large munsterlander). The people did a lot of kissing and talking and stuff when we got there but that was OK because Bandit and Moose and I were allowed to play ball in the garden till after it got dark. Bandit gets very possessive about the ball so you have to let him have it, otherwise he rounds you up like a sheep. There were lots of family people there, old ones like my mum and dad and young ones and the meal smelt very nice. We dogs had to put up with dog food in the kitchen while the people sat around and ate so much food and talked and talked and laughed. What a waste of good food. I do not understand why they take so long to eat it. After that they shut us all up in the dining room (no food left at this point) and drew the curtains and they went outside. We could hear terrific bangs and whooses and Bandit said it was fireworks (he is a rescue dog so he knows lots of things that babies like Moose and I don't) but we weren't worried, we just went to sleep.
Then the next morning I was woken up in the middle of the night by my mum muttering about not being late for the tunnel and I had to go and do a pee in the garden when I'd rather have been curled up in my nice cosy bed. And then she put me in the car and it had shrunk! >Usually I've got lots of room for all my paws and I can stretch out how I wish but this time there was only a little space between bags and cases and suchlike rubbish and to crown it all, half my seat was taken up by Tiptoes the cat in her catbasket. She was very upset because my mum had done the same to her and sneaked up on her while she was asleep and put her in the basket before she knew what was happening. And she was even more upset because her cat basket was hidden under mounds of bags and coats and she thought she was going to suffocate. Good job my mum heard her muffled miaows and repacked the entire back seat while we were in the Tunnel. After that Tiptoes was very quiet and I was very bored so I just went to sleep. Every now and then mum and dad made me get out the car and smell some new grass and do a pee and every time the grass was in a different place. Very strange. Anyway after I had slept for 16 hours in my tiny bed we finally got here and believe it or not, its my other house, the one in France. I was very pleased to be back and so was Tiptoes but mum kept going on about the painter having left tins of paint all over the place and where were the clean bedclothes and how did that get there. She makes life very difficult sometimes does my mum. Also she's not much good with computers cos she's changed the font size without intending to and now can't change it back. Anyway I hope you can read this and you're having a nice time and some good walks and nice treats and I must go to sleep. I have only had 12 hours so far today. Oh yes, I heard mum talking about having me spayed next week. Just as well I don't understand.
Bye for now
Flora (with a little help from her mum)

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